Issue Report

Found an Issue?

Found an Issue?

We are so sorry you've run in to a problem! We try hard to make sure that bugs don't squeak by us, but sometimes a particular device configuration or situation can cause one to surface. It will help us to solve your issue quickly if you provide the information requested below. Please remember that all submissions become the property of Pike Place Studios, LLC. For more information, see our Terms of Use at .

The app store you downloaded the game from.
The version number of your game should be visible in the corner of the game's title screen.
If you don't know, try checking the "Settings" application included with your device.
If you don't know, try checking the "Settings" application included with your device.
If you don't know, try checking the "Settings" application included with your device.
If you don't know, try checking the "Settings" application included with your device.
What happened? What were you doing at the time? What other apps were running?
All the time? Every time you perform a particular action? Just once in a while?